Integrative Holistic Massage & Hawaiian Lomilomi Bodywork

“Our backs tell stories no books have the spine to carry.”-Unknown

  • Integrative Holistic Massge

    Welcome to massage therapy with a twist. You are a whole entire being, and that’s how we will treat you.

    While you may be having physical discomfort, pain, or tension—there’s something else going on at the root.

    What’s at the root?

    Some sort of energetic misalignment or stuckness. It would be like an energetic injury.

    The good news is, energy can transform and just requires some TLC to help it begin to move—whether it’s to move on out of your system or get it back to into flow state.

    These sessions entail a deeper check in as we gather more information around what you are experiencing and may move through a short experiential to tap into the body.

    Many people begin to have some relief and insight before they even get on the table with our check in.

    Once on the table, we weave together energy work and massage to optimize your healing and feeling better.

  • Hawaiian Lomilomi Bodywork

    This is such a delicious healing modality straight from the incredible islands that embody Aloha.

    Lomilomi is Hawaiian shamanic bodywork, and is incredibly potent medicine.

    Many variations of lomilomi come from different parts of Hawaii, as this ancient healing modality stems from families creating their own bodywork practices for health and healing.

    The way I work with lomilomi is a full body massage as we open with honoring both the Hawaiian ancestors along with your own lineages.

    The gentle strokes of lomi glide over the body like waves rolling in and out-taking with them the things that no longer serve. With a focus on the HA breath-the breath of God-we clear you on a cellular level as well as physical and energetic.

    Lomilomi is a heart opener and leads you into forgiveness, holds you in the warm arms of love, and melts the parts of you that are asking to soften.

    This a complete practice of surrender and receiving.

I offer sliding scale investments for BIPOC and LGBTQIA folx. I ask that if you are someone in a place of privilege that can pay the full investment to please do so. No questions asked, as I trust you to use your judgement. Thank you!


Sacred well, Danvers, Ma

I generally travel out to Danvers about once a month to offer in person sessions including massage, Akashic readings, and Astro-Akashic readings. Feel free inquire HERE about dates!

25 Main St, Northampton, Ma

I offer sessions here on Monday-Thursday, and offer special consideration days/times for those coming from out of town. I invite you to book HERE!