Life Coaching
Here’s the thing:
You are your greatest life long relationship. You are the only one who truly knows your inner workings, likes, turn ons, dislikes, and you are the only one who can say HOW the heck you’re going to show up for your life.
You are your greatest love story.
I want to be very clear here that there are systems we are all a part of that impact us. We have probably been raised by the patriarchy and therefore hold things instilled within that makes us think we “should” be doing our lives a specific way.
And-what happens if we don’t fit that narrative?
Are you a misfit then? Deviant? Nonconformist?
You are the only one who will revolutionize your life, love!
This space is about exploring yourself to break the chains and bounds of the parts of you that are no longer supportive. To shift the ancestral wounds AND tap into the ancestral strengths.
This is the space of loving truthfully, embodying heart, Soul, and every part of you that’s waiting to be embraced.
This is the space to allow your Soul to ignite the fire of your heart.

“Radical simply means grasping things at the root”-Angela Davis
If it’s radical to want to get to the root of things for the sake of creating a healthier, aligned relationship with your life, then we are here for it!
In coaching, you can literally bring anything you want to work on-this is about your LIFE after all!
With a holistic approach, we hold you with compassionate patience, expansive possibilities, and tender love as you BECOME.
As you transform into version of who you actually want to be.
And love, you are never alone on this journey. I’ll be your guide and witness through laughter and tears, make discoveries with you, celebrate you, hold your hand when you need it as well as know when to kick high gear in to push your bounds for the freedom on the other side.
This sacred space is held for you to dive into the parts of you that are holding mistuned patterns, and hijacking your systems.
This sacred space is where you gently crack open and free yourself on a somatic, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual level.

Ummm…being badass!
No really: we are working with you on a holistic physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual level to realign all of these bodies you hold.
We will look at your beliefs, feelings, thought patterns, lil gremlins and Higher Self, and the way you are somatically carrying all of these relationships within. We all also explore the possibilities form your hopes and dreams, and begin to create new roots to take hold.
Each week you will have Soulwork to help support you build upon and make shifts.
I also offer support via text/email between sessions if needed.
This is a 14 week commitment for us to really have the space and time to dig into all those roots. Maybe some need to be replaced, need airing out, or need to be replanted.
Given we also weave in energy medicine, astrology, the Akashic Records, and anything else that wants to support you, it’s great to have this length of time to offer you a fully rounded program.
We will meet once a week for one hour on the same day/time. That way each week this time is already carved out for yourself, and helps support your desire to the changes you wish to make.
Of course life happens so we will flow with it..because…life;)
The Investment is $2,520.
You’re welcome to pay in full, per session each week ($180), or by a payment plan.